4K panning video

Watch a video with panning video clips

The clips in the following video are based on images and rendered with a 3D process into panning video clips. The method is impressive. No arrangement is needed in advance which means that this is a very fast method. It is possible to capture sudden rare situations where an arrangement with sliding video equipment wouldn’t be possible. The sample video is captured through the window of a regular airline, and as you can see from the result it is very smooth. There is also some 3D-animation included in this video. The downside of the method is that it is quite time-consuming to render the clips in post. There is a handicraft involved. The video size can be like 4K but can be rendered to any size. General frame rates can be used (e.g. 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 fps).

If you have any requests on any clip in the video or on the sample views in my blog please send a message with the Contact form and refer to the clip or view. I have also a lot of landscape views taken on the ground suitable for panning clips. Also, bird photography can be used. There are thousands of subjects in my stock and I can’t show them all, so please don’t hesitate to ask.

See the blog with more sample views

The sample video here is rendered to 1920x1080p size.

The following video with panning video clips is based on anaglyph images of planet Mars surface

The anaglyph images of Mars taken by the HiRISE camera holds information about the topography of Mars surface. There are hundreds of high-resolution images of this type. This gives the opportunity to create different studies in 3D. In this film I have chosen some locations and processed the images into panning video clips. There is a feeling that you are flying above Mars looking down watching interesting locations on the planet. And there are really great places on Mars! I would love to see images taken by a landscape photographer on Mars, especially from the polar regions. But I’m afraid I won’t see that kind of images during my lifetime.

It has really been time-consuming making these panning clips. In my 3D-process I have manually hand-picked reference points on the anaglyph image pairs. For this film I have chosen more than 33.000 reference points! It took me 3 months of calendar time working with the project every now and then.

The colors in this film are false because the anaglyph images are based on grayscale images. I have therefore color graded the clips. But I have tried to be moderate doing this. The light regions in the clips are yellowish and the dark regions bluish. The clips from the polar regions (the last clips in the film) have a white-blue tone.There are a lot of opinions and studies of what the natural colors on Mars might be. But the dark regions often seems to have a bluish tone. Please study this issue on e.g sites by NASA.

This film is not scientific. As a space enthusiast I have just tried to visualize the planet my way.
Please watch the film in 2K if possible for greater details.

Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. Referenses on Mars: PSP_007769, ESP_018859, ESP_012435, ESP_034285, ESP_011648, ESP_045091, ESP_020878, ESP_045634, ESP_037704, ESP_046725, ESP_037705, ESP_018548, ESP_016641, ESP_027236, ESP_011729, ESP_045571, ESP_047503, ESP_023464, ESP_013049