Audiovisual projects

It’s great to combine photography and audio into audiovisual presentations. Photos will come to life in a totally new way. I create a storyboard, chose the images, the audio effects and the music that fit the style and tempo. And boom, there it is. Of course, there is a use of a bunch of software. But it is most of all creative work.

Please find some sample projects here which are rendered to H.264 / 1920x1080p or 2K videos and streamed trough Vimeo. Audiovisuals based on photography can easily be rendered up to 4K. An audiovisual showed directly with a PC (not streamed) can be in a so-called .exe format. This is something you should see. The quality is great and higher than normal H.264 video. Please tell me your request with the Contact form and I can tell you more.

The following demo is an animation with image elements in 3D. It is rendered to 2K (x1440p). If your network streaming allow, please use the 2K quality which you find behind the “HD” button.

Seuraava projekti on tehty Helsingin Kameraseuran AV-iltaa varten. English version of decreased size (1280x720p) found on my Vimeo site.